Friday, February 11, 2011

Santo Azar

SantoAzar - "No"

Disco de Diego Azar y Santiago Lorenzo de próxima edición por el sello Ayuí.
En el Sitio de MySpace hay seis músicas para escuchar.

No puedo dejar de sonrerir al esuchar "Joropo de Ramón"

Friday, February 04, 2011

se acabó lo que se daba....

ICANN,nanog mailing list

Five /8s allocated to RIRs - no unallocated IPv4 unicast /8s remain
Leo Vegoda leo.vegoda at
Thu Feb 3 14:51:35 UTC 2011

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The IANA IPv4 registry has been updated to reflect the allocation of five /8 IPv4 blocks: one to each RIR, in February 2011. You can find the updated IANA IPv4 registry at:

Please update your filters as appropriate.

There are no more unallocated unicast IPv4 /8s in the IANA IPv4 Address Space Registry.

Kind regards,

Leo Vegoda
Number Resources Manager, IANA